Kids’ News

This week we had a nice lesson about a community of believers who worked together for the good of everyone in their community. They held everything in common—meaning that they shared and looked out for one another.

By doing this, they created a community where no one was needy. They even sold their properties and houses to add to the wealth of the community. Their shared resources were managed by the apostles, who distributed them to those in need. This was not mandatory, but people did this to share and honor God. Sharing was a way of showing love and friendship.

As Christians today, we are called to share what we have with those in need. Sharing is hard sometimes for kids. It can also be hard for adults as we might feel ill-equipped or unable to help those who need the most. We often want to hold close to the things we have worked hard for.

This story reminded me of our very own Mr. Bill Parker, who donates so much time and energy to Eastside Ministries. We all have a chance to help Bill by donating our good used clothing to Eastside. They are always in need of donations of food and clothing.

I learned that they give out sack lunches, lots of bottled water, and boxes of food donated to them by stores to those in need. If you would like to volunteer to help Eastside Ministries, they could use your help — see Mr. Parker at church on Sunday for more information.

Blessings, see you in church Sunday….

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