Max’s Corner

A Glorious Celebration Easter 2024

I’ll admit, it was the hardest Holy week and Easter for this pastor. I was dysfunctional when it was over.

But it may have been the best.

Mary had a sweet and moving Thursday service. Steven Moore said Good Friday was his favorite (and he has seen every Good Friday services we have ever had).

And Sunday—for me—was the joy we want Easter to be. The music from Blake, Kristi, and our great choir, augmented with guest musicians, was over the top.


We had 120 in worship.

And how fun it was to hear the laughing and hollering of children during the big egg hunt!

And thanks to Mark Detrick-Kirkpatrick, we had an Easter with flair. His solid pink suit was a hit at church and on Facebook.

Thanks to all who worked to fix meals, get the Good Friday display together, place the lilies, make the music—and those who gathered to sing God’s praise on Resurrection Day.

Sunday’s Sermon

The heart of the sermon may have been the story from Betty Ware, mother of Cindy Wheeler and Sheila Taylor—the “sister act” that sits on pew 2 every week.

Betty passed many years ago, but her story of an encounter with a Risen Christ lives on to remind us that our Lord is still working, still appearing, and still watching over our lives.

Now–life slows down a little.

That’s OK. Preacher here can’t take two Easters in a row! Mary will preach for us this Sunday.

The joy of Easter continues.

He IS risen.

See you Sunday.

Mary’s Corner

Greetings St. Matthew!

What a glorious Easter service. If we could afford it, I would love to have a brass ensemble once a month. What a difference that sound makes and what a lifting of our spirits! I am still humming the choir anthem and Crown Him with Many Crowns.

The full house was a beautiful sight to see as well. It is always good to see so many children come to church to hunt for eggs and stay for the lesson. Thanks to everyone who helped with Holy Week this year. The food, services, and music were outstanding. It is a joy to serve you and a joy to serve WITH you. 

I am preaching next Sunday. I spoke on Maundy Thursday about the importance of reading past the grammatical separations in the text. You cannot stop reading at the end of John. The story of Jesus’ days on the Earth after resurrection begins in John 20 and continues all the way through the 1st chapter of Acts. My sermon text on Sunday will be from somewhere in those specific passages. I am elated to be in the service of a risen Christ. I pray that what I share with you this Sunday will draw you closer to our Lord. 

Keith Butterfield has asked me to let everyone know that even with the solar eclipse glasses that you can purchase online or pick up in any grocery store, the glasses all come with a warning not to look at the sun for extended periods. The glasses, Keith got from his son actually say damage can be caused if you stare at the sun during the eclipse for more than three minutes at a time. Be smart and be safe with your eyes. You don’t have another pair in your other pants. 

Anna continues to slowly improve. She sends her love and gratitude for your prayers, cards, and visits. We hope to have her home soon. We are a family because you have taken us into your hearts. I am eternally grateful to you. Mary

Kids’ News

Thank you, wonderful parents, and grandparents, for bringing all those sweet kids to join our Easter egg hunt. It was a joy to stand back and watch the excitement. Molly and Bridget helped Vickie and Doug put out at least a zillion eggs! Many of them were filled with prizes, they all had candy.

We had 2 golden eggs containing enough cash to make me wish I was a kid again! The kids had to look extra hard for those eggs. Noah and Reese each found one! Danny Eades took a picture of these happy guys. I am sure Danny has more pictures to share!

After our Egg Hunt, the kids went inside to watch The Easter Promise. They all had popcorn and juice. The kids all sit quietly as the Easter story unfolded before them.

The women were the first to see the empty tomb. As they approached the tomb, there was a great earthquake and they saw an angel roll away the stone and sit on top of it. The angel told the women not to be afraid; Jesus was not in the tomb. Jesus is alive!

As the women ran down the path to tell the others, Jesus appeared to them! They fell to their knees when they saw Jesus. He told them that they should “go tell the disciples I will see them in Galilee.” A direct command from Jesus to the women to remember his resurrection and share the Good News with others.

Thanks again for being with us Sunday. Hope we see you all again on Sunday. Blessings