Max’s Corner

“After Pentecost”

This Sunday is Trinity Sunday, but from then on until Advent the bulletin will say whatever Sunday it is “After Pentecost.”

We had a wonderful Pentecost Sunday. Thanks to all who brought food for that great meal. (I wish I had some of that brisket right now.)

We had a meeting of pastors with Bishop Ruben Saenz today. As I said in Friday’s Word, there is a kind of new joy in the church at large—a sense of freedom to preach and live the Gospel.

We have, as a denomination, lost people—and gained our souls. The truth is, we could not move forward until those who left were gone.

They were not advancing the Kingdom.

They were standing in the way.

Jesus told the Pharisees, “You are not entering the Kingdom yourself and you are preventing others from entering.”

The United Methodist Church is now smaller—and stronger.

The Pharisees have left.

We love them.

But now that they are gone, we can move on.

Breakfast This Sunday

It’s a “We-Bring-It” Sunday.

Our “do-it-ourselves” breakfasts have been surprisingly good. Not up to the Winston standard—but still mighty good. Sunday at 10:30.

Mary Up to Bat

The Rev. Mary T. will preach for the next two Sundays.

And our choir is down for the summer. Expect a great solo—like the one from Shannon last week.

Next time I preach, I am doing a solo.

It goes with my sermon.

After Mary’s big singing debut a couple of weeks ago, we need a solo from her very soon.

What do we expect of the rest of you?

Well—just come. Sing. Pray. And rejoice.

This Sunday.

God Bless—MB

ON MY MIND—the folks we love who are sick and others who have lost loved ones. May God’s grace and comfort be with those who need it most.

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