Kids’ News

This week we discussed Zacchaeus. Vickie and I started the lesson by singing the song we learned when we were young, maybe you remember …

Zaccheus was a wee, little man,
And a wee, little man was he.
He climbed up in a sycamore tree,
For the Lord he wanted to see.

And as the Savior came that way,
He looked up in the tree,

And he said,”Zaccheus, you come down from there,”

For I’m going to your house today.
For I’m going to your house today.

… I will spare you the rest, but we sang as much as we remembered! The kids must have thought we lost our minds, but they listened quietly, and I know they will remember this lesson!

Zacchaeus was a tax collector; they were not liked because they would collect more money than the Roman government asked for and put the balance in their pocket. Zacchaeus was a chief tax collector, which meant that he was one of the best and probably very rich.

Jesus was passing through Jericho, and because he was so short, Zacchaeus climbed up a tree so he could see Jesus. Jesus saw him in the tree and told him to come down because he was going to his house today.

Why did Jesus choose to go to the home of a sinner to have a meal? Zacchaeus wanted to change his ways and asked to be forgiven.

How do you handle someone who has done you wrong and asked to be forgiven? Do you believe in second chances? With the help and guidance of Jesus, we can all learn that there is opportunity for second chances.

We all moved outside for our project. We made bird feeders out of pine cones. We found that birds love peanut butter with their seeds. It was a beautiful day and sitting at the picnic table and enjoying the sunshine made for a perfect day.

See you in church…

Kids’ News

Our story Sunday was one we could all identify with: Do you remember Jesus as he was traveling through Jerusalem going to the house of sisters, Mary and Martha? The custom of that day was that you prepare a meal for your visitors.

Martha was busy preparing the meal that they would serve Jesus. Mary, however, was sitting at the feet of Jesus to listen to his teaching. Martha was upset at Mary because she wasn’t helping. A woman sitting at the feet of a man was not socially acceptable at the time.

Martha was irritated thinking her sister should be more concerned with helping her prepare the meal, especially since their guest was someone as special as Jesus. Martha complained to Jesus, asking him to tell Mary to help her. Instead, Jesus tells Martha that she is worried and distracted by things that are not important. Mary has chosen what is important, to be close to Jesus and learn about God.

What would you do? We must realize that we all respond to Jesus in different ways. It does not mean that person is wrong. Each of us is called to follow Jesus in different ways.

Hopefully, we will see you at church Sunday.


Kids’ News

In our Bible story this week, Jesus had been teaching to large crowds and decided to take some time away with His disciples. Jesus and the disciples took a boat out on the Sea of Galilee. Jesus was tired from teaching and ministering, so he went to the front of the boat and fell asleep.

Soon, a storm struck. The boat shook and the disciples were afraid. They went to Jesus for help but were surprised to find him soundly asleep. They thought, how can anyone sleep when there is a chance their boat might flood, and they might all drown? But Jesus remained calm.

Jesus got up and calmed the storm. He then asked the disciples why they were scared, as if their feelings of fear were unnecessary. The disciples were amazed.

We too, might feel amazed about this story — what amazing power Jesus has! What a gift it is to know there is someone like Jesus who can be present with us in the midst of life’s storms!

Speaking of gifts, we had something for you on Sunday. Valentine’s Day is this week! Maybe those things will still be there Sunday.

See you in church!

Kids’ News

We were blessed with a wonderful group of young people Sunday. We talked about the Sermon on the Mount as a place where Jesus taught his disciples.

We talked at length about the Lord’s Prayer. The kids all knew it and we talked about how young they were when they learned this prayer. A couple of the boys said they started repeating this prayer when they were about 2! They all knew that this prayer contains elements Jesus considered important when praying: asking God for guidance in our lives, forgiveness, praise, and thanks.

Did you know that the Lord’s Prayer is prayed all over the world and in many languages? It is a famous prayer that has been important to many Christians. This example was provided by Jesus during the Sermon on the Mount as a way of teaching his disciples. However, the focus of Jesus’ teaching is not so much on a method of prayer as it is on our motivations for prayer and our relationship with God.

As we left church to go to Children’s church, we were delighted to learn that a kind member had left a basket of treats on our table! We were all delighted that someone was kind enough to leave these treats. I want to extend a big “Thank You” to this kind person. You should have witnessed the delight of the kids when they discovered your thoughtfulness!

During class, they all picked an 8×10 canvas picture to paint as a Valentine gift to give to the person of their choice. We are blessed with the kindness of your kids! See you Sunday.


Kids’ News

This week we discussed the Parable of the Mustard Seed. The kids knew exactly what a mustard seed is; last year they each received one.

They were amazed to realize that this tiny seed could grow into a tree that is 8 to 10 feet tall.

Sometimes we imagine the kingdom of God as being a time and a place in the future. Jesus said God’s kingdom is here on earth right now!

Jesus encouraged his friends then, and us today, to make sure we are all working to bring about God’s kingdom. God’s kingdom comes into being with tiny and almost invisible things — a tiny, almost invisible, seed turns out to have an enormous effect.

Do something this week to show someone God’s love. Make a pay-it-forward gesture that shows God’s love through you. You could do something nice for a friend or a neighbor or do something to show appreciation for a member of your church. By loving others, you show God’s love through you.

We hope to see you in church Sunday. We will review the most important thing — that you help someone feel cared for.
