Kids’ News

Our lesson this week was about JOY. Before Mary and Joseph could enjoy the birth of their son, they had to travel to Bethlehem. The emperor decided everyone had to be counted for tax purposes in the town where they were born. Joseph was born in Bethlehem, so they had to travel with a very pregnant Mary to that town. Bethlehem was very crowded, and they could not find a place to stay.

A man took pity on them and found them a place to stay. Though it was not ideal, they were happy that they had a place to stay; because that very night Jesus was born, not in a comfortable guest room or palace, but in a humble place, with animals for company. Jesus brought JOY not only to Mary and Joseph, but to the whole world. During this Advent season children are anxiously awaiting Christmas.

Our children lit up our Christmas program by carrying in the star and lights for the tree and capped off their entrance with a song. They are excellent singers we need to hear more often! Santa and his elves stopped by with stockings filled with goodies. His visit had the kids really happy to share their requests with this Jolly Ole Elf. Hope we see you in church Sunday.


Kids’ News

This week, we looked at Jesus’ birth from Joseph’s perspective as we continue our celebration of Advent. Like Mary, Joseph heard about Jesus’ coming from an angel. Joseph had learned that his wife-to-be was expecting. Joseph was thinking of quietly calling off their marriage because he didn’t want to embarrass Mary. Then an angel came to Joseph in a dream and told him that the child Mary was going to have come from the Holy Spirit, and that Joseph should not be afraid to marry her. The angel even told Joseph that the child would be a son and that the child’s name would be Jesus. When Joseph woke up from this dream, he did just as the angel told him and married Mary.

By naming Jesus, Joseph was officially accepting Jesus as his son. He willingly raised and cared for Jesus. Joseph listened and did as God asked and, because he obeyed, he was filled with the joy of having a son and celebrating, with Mary, the birth of Jesus.

We need you all to be like Joseph and come to our Christmas program at church Saturday, December 16. We will have a wonderful evening filled with wonderful music, a wonderful dinner and if we are lucky, a visit from Santa. Please help us make sure our little ones are all in church that evening to visit with this jolly ole elf!! We will see you in church!


Kids’ News

We have spent quite a bit of time studying the twins- Esau and Jacob. Even though they were twins, they were quite different in many ways. We may revisit them in the future, but now it is time to meet Mary. She was young and poor. The last person you would think would be the mother of the son of God. The message that called her to fulfil this task was delivered by the angel Gabriel, who declared that nothing is impossible for God. Though she was frightened and confused, Mary accepted the call with joy and sang God praises. This must have been difficult news for Mary to process. You might wonder how Mary, then a teenager, could have such joy in the midst of so much chaos and confusion. Mary was able to accept that although her life is drastically altered, there is joy to be found.

Joy does not always have to be big smiles or ecstatic jumping; it can be an attitude of gratefulness and it can be quite tears. While it is sometimes hard to find joy in the unexpected, our Bible story teaches us to find gratitude even in the most unanticipated moments of life. This is the beginning of the wonderful story of Jesus’ birth. Be with us as we explore this miracle.

We had some illness in our class this week. We made Get Well cards for Miss Vickie and for Eliza Koenig, who broke her leg badly and is confined to bed rest for at least 3 months. The kids all made cards are taking books and games for her to play while she is confined to bed. And some painting projects so she will feel our love for her as she mends. Praying that they both feel 100% soon.

We are getting into a really busy time at church, will you help us by being with us as we celebrate this beautiful season?


Kids’ News

We have been talking about the twins for a few weeks, Jacob finally got the birthright that rightfully belonged to Esau. However, because of Esau’s anger, Jacob had to flee his home and family.

As Jacob was leaving his home and family and traveling to Haran, he grew tired. He found a stone and placed it near his head, and he used it as his pillow. He went to sleep and had a very vivid dream. He dreamed that there was a large staircase that started on the ground and reached into the sky. God appeared in the dream and promised to be with him and bless him and all his descendants.

When Jacob awoke, he knew that God was with him in that place, God came to Jacob when he was tired and scared. Jacob was also scared by his dream. However, God made His presence known to Jacob. Jacob believed that the stone was in a special and holy place. Jacob set up the stone as a sacred pillar. He poured oil on the stone and named the place Bethel. Be with us on Sunday to learn more about the twins.

The holidays are quickly approaching, and I have an inside track to talk with Santa!! He told me he plans to visit St. Matthew kids after our dinner on Dec. 16th! Tell Mom, Dad, Grandma or Grandpa that you just have to be at church to see what goodies Santa may bring you this year. He promised me he would have stockings filled with goodies for all our boys and girls. Hope you mark this on your calendar; the elves will help Santa that evening as well! I am excited!


Kids’ News

We are still learning about the twins- Jacob and Esau.

Just as we started talking about the twins, we were totally shocked when one of our twins walked in!! Robert walked in with Julie Ann!!

We were all so excited that they were visiting. Robert has gotten so much taller that we couldn’t believe our eyes! They are doing very well in school and get to visit often with their grandma and cousins they didn’t know. As we got over the excitement of having Robert with us, in walks Kaylee. She is quite a beautiful young lady. Of course, she also is doing very well in school. They will be in high school next year and Julie Ann is a 3rd grader. They started coming to our Sunday school class when Kaylee was 8 and Julie Ann was 3.

We all loved these kids beyond words and everyone in church was so happy to see them! The timing was perfect because Robert got to have fried chicken for lunch!

I was also very happy that I looked up and Jason popped in! He should have been resting, but he needed to check on us! My day was filled with joy that I got to see all these kids that I love so much!

Hope you all enjoyed lunch as much as we did! See you Sunday.
