Mary’s Corner

Greetings to you in the name of the risen Christ, 

I am grateful that our choir will be back this Sunday. We are singing a song, He Never Failed Me Yet. It is a beautiful song, in spite of the fact that God is identified as “HE.” I am looking forward to our spring choir events. I am also grateful to announce that our church concerts are starting back this spring. Max is arranging the first two concerts. In June, we will be blessed with performances by Cassandra Kirby and Nicholas Garza, professional musicians from the DFW area, and good friends of Blake. I will have more details as we get closer but the concert is on June 8th at 7 pm. This will be an event you do not want to miss and one that you will want to bring all your friends to enjoy.

On a serious note, I am requesting a committed and concerted prayer response from the members of our church for Julie and Tracy, Mac and Faith, and Doug and Sue. Also, our sister Suzanne is home but still battling leg issues. The prayer list is kept a private part of our website. If you have questions or concerns about our prayer list, please contact me at

Blessings and love to all of you! Mary

Kids’ News

This Sunday, we heard one of the amazing stories of Jesus’ wonders and his amazing power to heal.

During biblical times, poor people who needed assistance would sit by the gates of the temple and ask for help from people who passed by. People sometimes would give them money, food, or clothes. Jesus instructed people to give to anyone who asked.

In this story, when a man who is crippled sees Peter and John, he immediately asks them for money. However, Peter tells the man they have no money for him but offers something better. Peter commands the man to rise in the name of Jesus and then pulls him up by the hand. The man is healed by the power of Jesus and begins to walk, leap, and praise God. He even joins Peter and John in the temple. People are amazed to see the man who was unable to move on his own for so long up and able to move freely.

Children also encounter people who need help. They may not know what to do, but we can all help with a small task or assist one person at a time.

This story includes amazement and surprise, common responses to these kinds of healings. When we don’t know what to do, we can pray. Our kids made prayer jars to remind them that they could write prayers and put them in their jars to be taken out when they needed to pray. See you in church.


Max’s Corner

A Good Sunday

The Sunday after Easter can sometimes feel like a let-down. This year, not at all. Mary had a fine sermon. Julien Rodriquez got a standing ovation for his rendering of Impossible Dream. And Kristi’s opening organ number from Handel rattled the window—several blocks down the street.

It was a spiritual morning.

Even with my hip hurting (gout), I felt good!

Breakfast this Sunday

This is “Let’s Bring It” Sunday.

Winston does weeks one and three.

Week two is up to us eaters.

I am bringing pigs-in-a-blanket.

You bring something. We’ll eat.

(Someone needs to set the serving table.)

Breakfast begins at 10:30.

Working on the Classroom

At the moment, the room where my sister will teach a course on near-death experiences is a junk room. It will take a couple of weeks to get it in shape as a really nice classroom. Sorry for the delay.

Eastside Ministries 40th

It’s at Botanical Gardens on Friday the 19th.

We will sell tickets this Sunday–$75 per plate dinner. That’s because this is a fundraiser for the poor on the Eastside of Fort Worth. Raising money is what it is about. But the buffet will be good.

I am the event MC. Blake and Shannon will sing.

More about it Sunday.

Sunday’s Sermon

Sermon: The Same—but Different.

Personal to Kristi: We open with Lift High the Cross.

Help! Please.

Yes, I can beg. We are entering a two-month period when we have a cash-flow problem until our investment income comes in in June. Please be faithful. Any additional giving will help.

God will get us through. Always has. Always will.

God bless—MB

Mary’s Corner

Greetings Easter People,

Some folks call us that — Easter People. We believe in the events at Calvary, at the tomb, in the upper room, and on the beach. I have been thinking about the scene at the beach since Sunday. I can imagine a place of peacefulness, with the sound of the waves in the background and a full belly. And also, more than enough fish for everyone. Isn’t that always God’s way in our lives? Walking into our failures and giving us abundance when we are obedient. Obedience is part of the scenario. They could have easily told Jesus that they had already tried and failed at catching any fish. But they did not. They listened and followed their instructions. While you are thinking about things this week, remember to pray for God to show you where you need to be obedient. Also, ask God to strengthen your own “body of Christ” as well as the St. Matthew body of Christ. There are fish to be caught folks, and we hold the net.

Remember our special prayer requests this week. We have folks in our congregation with new things happening in their lives that are going to be difficult. Prayer, love, and support are imperative.

Blessings to all of you, Mary

Kids’ News

In our story this week, Jesus gathered his eleven disciples around him on a mountaintop in Galilee. Jesus commissioned his disciples with the task of forming a community of believers. This community was to embody Jesus’ presence in the world to strengthen and guide God’s children.

Some of the disciples, however, expressed doubt. They were still having trouble grasping the mystery of the resurrection. While some worshiped Jesus immediately, others had questions.

There are many times in the Gospels when the disciples expressed doubt even though they were devoted to Jesus. It’s natural that we, Jesus’ modern-day disciples, also experience some doubt. Just like the disciples before us, we need to accept a little mystery with our faith. Like them, we must accept that there are some answers that we do not have and some things that can’t be explained.

Jesus knew this was a lot for the disciples to take in, and promised to be with them always as they spread the gospel.

We call Jesus’ instructions to form a community of believers The Great Commission. A commission is a call for something God wants us to do. God commissions us all to share Jesus with the world.

We can do this in many ways such as ministry, showing kindness, love, and respect. We are called to teach and serve others. This is what we do in Sunday school each week. See you in church on Sunday.
