Kids’ News

In our story this week, Jesus gathered his eleven disciples around him on a mountaintop in Galilee. Jesus commissioned his disciples with the task of forming a community of believers. This community was to embody Jesus’ presence in the world to strengthen and guide God’s children.

Some of the disciples, however, expressed doubt. They were still having trouble grasping the mystery of the resurrection. While some worshiped Jesus immediately, others had questions.

There are many times in the Gospels when the disciples expressed doubt even though they were devoted to Jesus. It’s natural that we, Jesus’ modern-day disciples, also experience some doubt. Just like the disciples before us, we need to accept a little mystery with our faith. Like them, we must accept that there are some answers that we do not have and some things that can’t be explained.

Jesus knew this was a lot for the disciples to take in, and promised to be with them always as they spread the gospel.

We call Jesus’ instructions to form a community of believers The Great Commission. A commission is a call for something God wants us to do. God commissions us all to share Jesus with the world.

We can do this in many ways such as ministry, showing kindness, love, and respect. We are called to teach and serve others. This is what we do in Sunday school each week. See you in church on Sunday.


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