Kids’ News

This week we had a nice lesson about a community of believers who worked together for the good of everyone in their community. They held everything in common—meaning that they shared and looked out for one another.

By doing this, they created a community where no one was needy. They even sold their properties and houses to add to the wealth of the community. Their shared resources were managed by the apostles, who distributed them to those in need. This was not mandatory, but people did this to share and honor God. Sharing was a way of showing love and friendship.

As Christians today, we are called to share what we have with those in need. Sharing is hard sometimes for kids. It can also be hard for adults as we might feel ill-equipped or unable to help those who need the most. We often want to hold close to the things we have worked hard for.

This story reminded me of our very own Mr. Bill Parker, who donates so much time and energy to Eastside Ministries. We all have a chance to help Bill by donating our good used clothing to Eastside. They are always in need of donations of food and clothing.

I learned that they give out sack lunches, lots of bottled water, and boxes of food donated to them by stores to those in need. If you would like to volunteer to help Eastside Ministries, they could use your help — see Mr. Parker at church on Sunday for more information.

Blessings, see you in church Sunday….

Friday’s Word

Jesus Got God Right

We can know God.

Millions of people have actually met God.

They have encountered God in experience.

Consider this from Bill Wilson, founder of AA. In a moment of desperation, he cried out to God to show himself:

Suddenly the room was filled with a bright white light. I felt an ecstasy beyond words. All about me and through me was a wonderful presence. I thought, so this is the God preachers talk about.

Here God answered a prayer both obviously and immediately.

I’ve had this happen to me a couple of times.

Every encounter with God gives us information about God. Every mystical event, every NDE, tells us something about God’s nature.

So, I began to wonder:

What kind of God would we come up with if we looked only at information from experiences?

I began work on my book, Discovering God. (Not yet published.)

I would set the Bible aside, set aside my own theology, and be entirely open to the God we meet in experience.

My book examines over 100 profound stories of personal encounters with God.

And what kind of God did I discover? A God of infinite love—the God we know in Christ. I even ended up at the Cross and the Resurrection.

I did not discover the rough and vindictive God of Revelation and some Old Testament passages.

That God does not exist.

In experience, we meet the God revealed in The Sermon on the Mount.

Experience tells us Jesus got God exactly right.


Sunday, May 5, is Special Giving Day at St. Matthew. I invite your gift.

Max’s Corner

Eastside Ministries 40th

It’s at the Botanical Gardens this Friday.

It starts at 6:30. Ticket price is $75 per plate. That’s because this is a fundraiser for the poor on the Eastside of Fort Worth. Raising money is what it is about. But the buffet will be good.

I am the event MC. Blake and Shannon will sing.

You can still get tickets. Just call Bill Parker: 817-296-0065.

Breakfast this Sunday

“Let’s Bring It” Sunday worked well for breakfast. The third Sunday (this Sunday) is a Winston week. Breakfast begins at 10:30.

Sunday’s Sermon

My sermon for Sunday is not the one I announced last week. The new title: Believe It or Not.

Our choir will sing: Jesus Never Failed Me Yet.

Help! Please

We have a temporary problem. But it won’t be a problem if enough people give a special gift on Sunday, May 5. (Or give it earlier—writing “Special gift” on your offering.)

We did not sufficiently prepare for this lag in our finances. I plan for us to do better next year. And we do need to increase our monthly income to avoid this happening again, but this will come with time.

By the way, your giving is entirely private. Only our Treasurer ever sees your gifts. There is never any pressure in giving.

This is God’s business we are in.

“Relax—and trust.”

God always sees us through.

Our love to our members who are ill.

You are in our prayers.

May the Lord hold you in his care.

God bless—MB

By the way—are you aware that in two years—2026—we will celebrate the 130th Anniversary of this congregation? We began life in 1896 in a Victorian clapboard church on Bessie Street. And the best is yet to come.