Mary’s Corner

Greetings beloved community,

I am recovering well from my sinus infection and will be back to my usual self in time for Curtis “Andy” Anderson’s memorial service. You will not get this newsletter until after the service, but I know you are praying for Linda and for their family as they go through this difficult time. I know Linda is grateful for this church and for the love and care we show to each other.

I am hoping that the sermons from Father Richard Rohr’s books are meaningful to you. I want to be relevant to you and to what is happening in your lives. I also want to avoid putting you to sleep😊 If you have any topics you want to know more about, please let us know. It is important to Max and me that we are preaching about the things that matter to you, along with the things God leads us to preach.

This Sunday, February 4, 2024, is All Council Sunday right after church. If you are on a church committee, please plan to attend. If you are not on a committee, show up and we will find a place for you to serve. We will be talking about 2024 plans and our 2024 budget. 

I pray you have a peaceful week, enjoying the few days of sunshine and moderate temperatures. My love to all, Mary

Mary’s Corner

Hello dear church and friends,

We lost Curtis Anderson on Monday morning. He passed peacefully in his sleep. Linda we are praying for you and your family. Linda and Curtis have been members of the United Methodist Church for a long, long time. They even have some original artwork from a Methodist circuit preacher from BEFORE the UMC was united at all. I wonder how all of those circuit riding preachers would feel about the UMC if they could see us now? And the lay ministers who served in between visits from the circuit riders, what would they think of the church today? It was a very conservative time then and a little bit now; but, the UMC is slowly making progress in the areas of affirmation and inclusion. I am proud to say that our congregation moves faster than the majority. I say all that to tell you that I found out that Curtis and Linda Anderson are also trained and certified lay speakers for the UMC. They preached many years ago at Eastside UMC. I know how they feel about the church today. They love Saint Matthew and have become an important part of our history and community. Funeral arrangements are pending. You will receive a special email with the details.

I am back from my vacation to the beach. It was a peaceful and restful time for me. I hope to share some photos with you soon. Mostly, I hope to see you in church on Sunday. Love to all, Mary

Mary’s Corner

Hello from Marsh Harbor!! I pray that you are all warm and safe. I watched you shiver Sunday morning during the service and I am grateful to the many of you who showed up AND stayed for the service. Please, please reach out to me or to Max if you need anything during this inclement weather. We do not want anyone to suffer needlessly if the church can help. I won’t trouble you with the weather details from here. I do not want you to experience the cold and being jealous.

I submitted everything to the Board of Ordained ministry on Saturday about 3pm. I’m sure you heard me shouting with joy. Twelve thousand words, 42 pages, and most of my heart and mind went into that document. I also realized that by answering those 16 questions, I now have the framework for 16 sermons. I will interview in March and have my results very quickly after the interviews. I cannot tell you how very much I appreciate your prayers and support. I would not have completed all of this without you. Love to all, Mary

Mary’s Corner

10,000 words wasn’t enough folks. I still have 2 questions to answer and submit. I am grateful for this opportunity and painfully aware of the “this is a test” purpose of the exercise. I will share some of my writing with you after this is over and I can look at it again. 

I will be out of town the next two Sundays. Until I see you again, be safe and careful. Wash you hands, avoid large crowds and stay home if you are ill. My love to all, Mary

Mary’s Corner

Happy 2024 to all. May each day be filled with the peace of Christ and the knowledge that you are God’s beloved child. We had another amazing service this past Sunday capped off by a great sermon from our senior pastor, Max Brennan. We are blessed beyond belief to have such a gifted and insightful person to shepherd our congregation. Thank you for making my mother feel so welcome on Sunday.

Many folks in the community are coming down with flu/COVID/RSV or a variety of other upper respiratory and some stomach issues. Please be careful. We have made many advances in the treatment of all of these illnesses; however, we are not free of any of them. Wash your hands frequently, stay away from folks who are sick, stay home if you are one of the sick folks, and avoid large gatherings.

I look forward to 2024 with you. My ordination interviews are coming quickly and then, with God’s grace, I will be ordained a provisional elder in June at Annual Conference. Details to come! I could not be in this position without your love and support. 

IF YOU ARE AN ADMIN BOARD, FINANCE COMMITTEE, PASTOR/PARISH RELATIONS COMMITTEE, or ANY OTHER COMMITTEE MEMBER AT SAINT MATTHEW, WE MEET THIS SUNDAY AFTER CHURCH. We will be discussing some very important plans for 2024 so you don’t want to miss this meeting or others will be making your decisions for you. Love to all, Mary